Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy new Craftyear 2009! Ending this year with my flea market find from the Christmas trip up north.

Must say that I would have liked to craft more this year - It began okay the first 6 months when I still was on maternity leave and had time on my hands :) Unfortunately, after I began working again I didn't have the same possibility to craft. - I hate not having a craft project on my mind. This new year of 2009 I have to make a plan to be able to craft more again. Maybe I can book a meeting with my self in my calendar and write "Craft-meeting with Carina 6 hours" :)
It's a good idea actually. More meetings with your own creativity - taking it seriously.
I wish you all a
And thanks for all your encourageing comments and all your own inspiring work on all your great blogs!
Flea market find à la 65 Swedish kronor (approx. $8,4 or 6€)....mmmm..... red shoes MY FAVORITE.
This makes me want to do leather crafting - have all the tools but it was such a long time ago I workt with leather. Hm, maybe a project for 2009 :)
Big hugs and lots of love

Inger Carina

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My new re-upholstered heart-chocolate rococo dream sofa!

Couldn't wait until I got the chance to take a picture in daylight! I just had to post these rather yellow images of my newly re-upholstered sofa! I'm so excited. I had the fabric for several years and the rococo sofa was in really poor state - the fabric was torn and the stuffing was starting to spread in the apartment. I could never have dreamt that it would turn out this fabulous. I just screamed when I first saw it. It's so yummy. Like a big Christmas candy in our livingroom.
I left it with a proper re-upholsterer and I would never had been able to save that old wreck on my own. Money well spent. They found stamps inside that said that it was made in Sweden 1700-late-something and that it was made for export. I only know that my grandparents got it sent from the Swedish embassy in Moscow in the 50th.

On Saturday when I'm at home while it's daylight I will take some better pictures. (The latitude of Stockolm makes it dark when I leave for work in the morning and dark when I come home - in the summertime it's the opposite though which is nice)