Monday, January 12, 2009

Lace-Competence/Top skill-Competence - SPETSKOMPETENS

This is Elizabet's Moly (Japanese Fold sketchbook from Moleskine) . We are a group participateing in the International moleskine sketchbook exchange.
The theme for this book is -Silver, Gold & Lace.
If you want to see what the rest of the group made this month, please visit our blog at

I have made a simple Flash slideshow with the 7 images. You will need Flashplayer 8 to be able to see it. Download free here Please write in the comments if you have difficulties viewing all images. If this works I want to use it more. But if you don't like it I won't use it again :)

Please write in the comments if you have difficulties viewing all images. If this works I want to use it more. But if you don't like it I won't use it again :)


  1. Ha, ha... verkligen rolig spets!

    Inga problem att se bilderna här inte...

  2. Hi, the pictures were great, and some lovely work there.

  3. Cool, how long did that take you? I'm glad you are finding some crafting time.

  4. Jag har bara en sak att säga om Din blogg:


  5. Jag blir såååå glad för era snälla kommentarer!!! Kram Carina

  6. Wowzer...I think this has got to be the coolest Moleskine group ever.


I have moved this blog to self hosting here:
Welcome and See you there! :)
Kind regards Inger Carina