Going through all my things in the studio space because we are moving to a better place soon. Found a lot of photos and old art pieces from my studing years. (MFA at Konstfack Art department.) As an artist I've mostly worked with animated art video but in school I had a severe filet crochet CRAZY period. I filet crocheted so much I "crocheted myself" and couldn't crochet for years. I posted one VHS piece yesterday and these guns are my most displayed piece from that period. This is on the same theme as The "Soft punch" piece. (for the record: I don't like guns)
This makes me want to filet crochet again because it is a very good technique if you want to build three dimentional pieces.

så otroligt läckert!
Hur får man det att bli så där "tredimensionellt?"
Har du stärkt garnet eller kan man få till det ändå?
Trevlig helg
Hej Cattis!
Man virkar i flera delar noga formade runt tex en knallpulverpistol :-) sedan stärker man bitarna med florsocker och vatten. Syr ihop alla blöta bitar runt pistolen med plasttråd, väntar tills det torkar,sprättar upp tråden, tar ur pistolen och klistrar ihop de virkade nu pistolformade delarna till en ihålig pistol. Precis som när man 'tar form' när man gjuter i gips från tex en lerskulptur. Lite svårt att förklara - hm kanske måste försöka mig på en bild beskrivning.
Trevlig helg du mé/Inger C
Eng: Use the same technique as when you make a plaster cast from a clay sculpture - but with different sugar&water wet pieces of filetcrochet instead. Sew them back on the mold with vinyl thread and take everything apart again when dry. Glue the pieces together to form a hollow piece. - hm it's difficult to explane - I should try to make a tutorial with pictures instead :-)
Oh...these are great! I wouldn't even know how to begin thinking about your process in making them. And, though, like you I don't typically like guns...I love this one.
ALSO, thank you so much for the wonderful mail. I LOVE IT...and have posted about it today on my blog. Thank you!
My goodness. How talented are you???
Hi Inger,
These pieces are incredibly inspiring. I have been trying to crochet 3-D pieces for a while and ended up using plastic bag yarn to get the structure. Do you use starch to make your pieces solid?
Your colour sense is also fabulous. I get a real sense of joy from your pieces.
Kind Regards,
Thank you! I'm delighted that you all like my stuff!
Actually I've used sugar and water to starch the 3D work. (tried to explain the workprocess here in these comments, higher up) :-)
It's the old Grandma-way of starching it. It seems to hold well - these guns were made in 1998approx 10years ago.
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