I adore bright colored patterns (and I like to mix them). In the back you see my beloved bedroom wallpaper. A flea market find from Amsterdam. It's a vintage kitchen wallpaper, presumably from the 60's or 70's. It is my favorit pattern of all. Suddenly I thougt it looked little like a crocheted old-fashioned beadspread - and then that night was spoiled:-) I had to make a test. Traced it and made a sketch, found the right colored yarn in my boxes and started to crochet after the traced flowers.
This is how far I came with the project for now. I'm not sure if I like the big flower. Going to try a couple of other ways to solv it, less three-dimetional.

Sschnyggga grejer! Handarbete är för mig en slags pågående tyst revolution, en slow-mood rörelse. Vi vägrar anpassa oss efter den alltmer uppskruvade arbetsmarknaden, vi vägrar vara stresståliga, flexibla och serviceinriktade..!
Håll virknålen varm i höstmörkret!
Superhärliga mönster och färger! Förstår att du blir inspirerad!
Jag återkommer till din blogg!
Oh wow...I love this wallpaper AND your crocheted version!!!! Reminds me of something you might see in Willie Wonka's Chocolate Factory.
ohhh!!! i love your wallpaper and your fabrics...
Beautiful blog... thanks for sharing your craft work...tack!
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