Fabric shopping on the net at a break from my BIG studio swap. Everything took SOO much more time than I expected. Off course - things like this does.
The movers are coming on Tuesday and my new desk and other things are deliverd to the new studio, from IKEA, on Monday. Now all my craft supplies are in boxes so I did som inspiration-surfing in the webshops:
The Wizard of Oz photo fabrics!Dorothyprints from Karen's shop Anna Lena's , Long Beach USA. This print is so lovely and superfun! Bought one more Oz-pattern. You can see that one by clicking on the image below with all the fabrics on.

I have been looking for a company that makes print-on-demand fabric printing. Found one (First2Print) but when I calculated on the price it turned out to be REALLY expensive, like $800 for 5meters or something like that. Found another one in Spain (DigitalTextile). Haven't contacted them about their prices yet. I will continue looking. Have done a lot of handprinting but now I would like to order my prints from somebody.
I would love to hear if you have any tips on this subject ! :-)
Kind Regards /Inger Carina
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Det verkar vara en uppåtgående trend!
They're still in the testing phase but try spoonflower.com
@anonymous: Yes I know,they are great over there. I'm very excited to be in their test group :)
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